Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research

"While adults tend to get lung, breast, prostate and colon cancers, kids are diagnosed with different cancer types like brain cancer, solid tumors and leukemia. Because their bodies are growing and changing, kids require different treatments than adults.

"Rally Foundation for Childhood Cancer Research empowers volunteers across the country to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures.

We are philanthropic seed investors in the next great discovery and utilize a dual peer review process that supports research at all stages, from the initial idea to clinical trial."

"Rally is consistently recognized as one of America’s Best Charities by Independent Charities of America (“ICA”). Of the 1 million charities in America, Rally is one of only 2,000 charities to receive this prestigious seal of recognition."" 

- Rally Foundation Website